Leah Nanako Winkler‘s delicious Hot Asian Doctor Husband (Mu Performing Arts, performing at Mixed Blood Theater, through Sept 1) is a prime example of the hoary theatrical truism: when the actors have a good time, so does the audience. And…
Tag: Mu
You For Me For You by Mu Performing Arts, performing in The Guthrie’s Dowling.
“You should have starved yourself to death, before you let our son die.” This from the ghost of Minhee’s deceased husband. “I tried,” Minhee replies, quietly. Yikes. This is not a play for the faint of heart. Mia Chung‘s moving…
Twelfth Night by Mu Performing Arts performing at Mixed Blood
I’ve never seen the Mixed Blood stage looking so good. The space is arranged arena style, stage painted a nice warm color, with a few tastefully placed platforms, some truly lovely Vietnamese lights, a few sit-upons. The set for Mu’s…
A Little Night Music by Mu Performing Arts, performing at Park Square Theatre
In Stephen Sondheim‘s marvelous A Little Night Music (Mu Performing Arts performing at Park Square Theatre, through Aug 10) little surprise or tension lies in the playing-out of the characters’ predictable arcs. Frederik is married, sexlessly, to Anne. Famous matinee…