Tag: Red Pens

Photos: Voltage Fashion Amplified 2010

Erik Hess was the HowWasTheShow designated photographer for Voltage 2010.  Here we present links to his amazing photos of the event. Overarching “Voltage: Fashion Amplified 2010” photoset: http://www.flickr.com/photos/560/sets/72157623939439762/ Blue Sky Blackout set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/560/sets/72157623814952963/ Red Pens set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/560/sets/72157623814964883/ Caroline Smith set:…

Q&A with Red Pens’ Howard Hamilton

It’s been a fast year for Twin Cities upstarts the Red Pens. After dropping their first album, Reasons, last summer, Howard Hamilton and Laura Bennett won City Pages’ Picked to Click honors in September and, more recently, had the honor of…