J Evan La Freak and Phil Solem at Sauce

Sometimes the choice for HowWasTheShow photo of the week take is obvious to me even as the subject of said photo is taking place before my eyes. Saturday night, Phil Solem (The Rembrandts, Thrush) played a headlining show at Sauce Minneapolis in Uptown. Solem’s powerful set – executed with a crack backing band that included Melismatics Ryan Smith and Ron Caron – featured both rockers and an amazing ballad that leaves me waiting with bated breath for a new album from Solem, which photos on his Facebook page lead me to believe he may be recording.

After leaving the stage, Solem came back for an encore of what is unquestionably his most famous song, “I’ll Be There for You” (aka the theme from Friends) that he wrote with the Rembrandts. That was treat enough, but what really topped it off was J Evan LaFreak (All the Pretty Horses) jumping on stage to help with the lead vocal.

Fortunately, Mike Minehart was on hand and got this great shot of the moment.

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