Podcast: HowWasTheShow CD Reviews for February 2010 at Kings Wine Bar

HowWasTheShow’s CD Review Podcast for February, 2010, recorded at Kings Wine Bar in South Minneapolis on Sunday, February 21st.

The panel includes Andrea Swensson of the City Pages and Ben Clark. Hosted by HowWasTheShow’s David de Young.

  1. Solid Gold – “Matter of Time” –  (http://www.myspace.com/solidgold)
  2. Wapsipinicon – “Vans on Dupont” – (http://www.myspace.com/thewapsipinicon)
  3. Dewi Sant – “The Labor” – (http://www.myspace.com/dewisantmusic)
  4. Rogue Valley – “The Warming Moon” – (http://www.lostinroguevalley.com)
  5. Brass Kings – “Rural Methlab Blues” – (http://www.myspace.com/brasskings)
  6. Joel Bremer – “Wille Toors” – (http://www.myspace.com/jbremer)

38 minutes.

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