Category: Archived

PlayLabs at the Playwrights Center

PlayLabs. There are many summertime play development conferences: Sundance, the New Harmony Conference, the Ojai Conference, Pacific Playwrights Conference, and (the granddaddy of them all) the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. But PlayLabs is unique.  It’s the only new play conference…

While you’re in town, let’s record a single

Broadway touring shows can settle in and enjoy a long run in places like L.A. and Chicago, but in Minneapolis the routine is often “open on a Tuesday and close on Sunday.”  Just long enough to record a single. In…

HowWasTheShow turns 10 on February 14th

10 years is a not such an insignificant chunk of time in the web world. Think of the web 10 years ago. No MySpace (founded 2003), no Facebook (founded 2004), no YouTube (founded 2005.) Imagine. But there was HowWasTheShow! HowWasTheShow’s…