Tag: Mixed Blood Theatre

“Neighbors” at Mixed Blood Theatre

Mixed Blood has opened their season with an outrageous play and an equally outrageous concept, and I am equally impressed with both. The play is Neighbors by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, a biting satire of every Black stereotype you’ve ever heard of;…

WTF at Mu Performing Arts

It’s entirely appropriate that WTF – excellent title – by Katie Ka Vang (Mu Performing Arts, at Mixed Blood Theatre, through Feb 6) is being produced in the midst of our nastiest winter in years.  WTF is bleak, hallucinatory and…

The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity at Mixed Blood Theatre

Mixed Blood may just have the most eclectic tastes of any theater I’ve reviewed in the Twin Cities, finding little gems that beautifully reflect their larger mission, while providing us with fine entertainment. With The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity…

Somebody/Nobody at Mixed Blood Theatre

Deranged starlet Sheena Keener flees the Surf Awards (“All those eyes”), stumbles out of her limo, rolls down a bebrambled freeway embankment and now with a photogenic scrape on her pampered forehead pounds on the wobbly door of Loli’s cinderblock…