Tag: Pillsbury House Theatre

Review | She Persists: challenging

She Persists (at Pillsbury House Theatre, through March 24) is a collection of 5 very short playlets which posits an America rent by a “great divide” – political, cultural, religious, racial. And maybe it is. Maybe those of us who…

The Children at Pillsbury House Theater

Michael Elaynow’s The Children at Pillsbury House Theatre (through Oct 16), a retelling of Euripides’ Medea, is set in modern times with time travel elements enabling ancient Corinthians and Americans to inhabit the stage together. If you go, be sure to arrive…

Death Tax at Pillsbury House Theatre

Death Tax, by Lucas please-buy-a-vowel Hnath (Pillsbury House Theatre, through April 4) is an entertaining play about a super-serious subject: death. Do subjects get seriouser? Bed-ridden nursing home resident Maxine has acquired an unholy obsession, that her daughter is attempting…